Being social is not a difficult art, you just need to be more aware of your surrounding, and the people you are with. For example you can't start talking about roast beef in the company of people who are vegetarians. Almost all of our knowledge is acquired, we are not pre-programed to do anything, so don't let social anxiety hold you back, and don't give the excuse that you were born this way.
Tips for Being Social
The first step to success is failure, and I am not trying to be poetic, it's the truth, in order to be successful you need to fail, otherwise you will not cherish your triumph. If you have seen the Discovery channel, and seen how the lion stalks the prey and catches it, what a awesome sight it is. To remind you, the 10 minute footage is captured after filming hours and hours of unsuccessful attempts by the lion to catch the prey. The message is don't give up, you probably didn't become who you are in one day and most likely you will need more than one day to become a social butterfly.
First Step
Many people who want to know how to become more social and outgoing say that they don't know what to talk about with other people. My answer to that is at least start with a simple 'hello' or 'hi', you see a person you want to talk to, passing you in the hallway or climbing the stairs, just say hi. Most people will return your greeting and if someone doesn't, it will not kill you. One of the best dating tips is, that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
If people stop talking when you are around it's most likely because you say the wrong things or you say things in the wrong way, probably you are dogmatic with your conversation. First rule of any conversation is to respect the view and opinion of the other person. If a group of people are talking, interrupt at the opportune time and stick to the subject that is going on, this will help you become more social around people. If the group is talking about the latest Leonardo Di Caprio movie, you talk about him, don't interrupt and start talking about sports. Group dynamics dictate that you either join them or leave them alone.
Look the Part
You get invited to a formal dinner and you show up in your torn jeans and low cut t-shirt, you will only end up getting cold stares. People will only talk to other people who are just like them or better than them, so even though you idolize the 70s rock stars, don't wear torn jeans for a formal event. It is said that what you wear is who you are, wearing nice clothes will boost your confidence and help you in your endeavor to become more social. If you don't believe me, next time you buy a new jeans or shirt notice the bounce in your step when you are wearing them for the first time.
One relationship advice for women and men is, more people will like you and would like to be around you if you empathize with them. For example the person next to you forgot to do the assignment, don't taunt them by showing off how you finished yours. Let them know that you understand their reason for not getting the work done, encourage them to do better next time, or better still, offer your assistance. If your friends dog dies in a car crash, tell them how sorry you are, don't rattle off statistics about how many dogs get killed by cars, even if you know the numbers.
Sharing is one of the simplest ways to socialize with other people, people will take to you easily, if you have something to offer. For better understanding, if you are traveling by public transport offer your seat to someone who is standing. When eating lunch offer a sandwich to the person sitting next to you, it doesn't make a difference if the person accepts or not, the point is you offered.
Be Fun Loving
I am not trying to tell you to be funny, just trying to say, be fun loving, enjoy what other people like to do. Try out some awesome pick up lines, according to a recent survey, women like them even if they sound corny. If people around you like going dancing go with them, even though if you think you have two left feet. It's not about the dance it's about being with people and experiencing things together.
If you still aren't sure how to become more social, joining hobby classes or registering on social networking sites to make friends online is a good way to start interacting with other people. See the Will Smith movie 'Hitch', draw inspiration from it and be who you are, just do some cosmetic changes to your character..
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